Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association is powered solely by volunteers. Join us! You will learn a lot about bees and beekeeping, meet interesting people, and have fun too. Everyone has something to give.
There are many ways to volunteer:
- Man a MABA table at festivals and community events
- Get donations for the annual auction
- Help setup/cleanup at MABA events
- Assist with the Jr. Beekeepers Program
- Speak at an elementary school
- Serve on the Executive Board
- Be the A/V guy
- Help with the Beekeeping Short Course, Hive Inspections, Extraction Equipment Rentals, Essay Contest, Honey Contests, Annual Auction, and much more.
- Help maintain this website
- Provide service and advice in professional areas such as (but not limited too); accountant, lawyer, graphic arts, photography, video production, web tech, social media, etc.