We know honey bees. You can, too!

Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association is an all volunteer, non-profit organization that supports an active beekeeping community and promotes the art and science of bees and beekeeping to the public through education, events and services.

We’re Buzzing About:


March 2025 Meeting

At our March 10 meeting, MABA will welcome back Dr. Isaac Weinberg, who will be speaking on “Comb-Reorganization In Response To Temperature Stress In Honey Bee Colonies” This talk will present findings from three field experiments which provide evidence that when exposed to long-term temperature stress, honey bees rearrange where they store brood, honey, nectar, and pollen within their hives. In addition, he will speculate on mechanisms that may be driving the reorganization of comb

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2025 Intro to Beekeeping Short Course

  IMPORTANT:  MABA 1-Day Intro to Beekeeping Short Course Change of Location — Due to a sudden scheduling change at Peachtree Road United Methodist, instead of holding our event in the church’s Grace Hall as originally planned, we are moving it to the church’s Harp Student Center building just across the street within the church complex. The Harp Center is the yellow/tan brick building across Mathieson Place, behind the main church building. The address is:

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Treatment-Free Beekeeping

At February’s meeting, MABA-member Wayne Hughes will be speaking on the topic of treatment-free beekeeping. Wayne is a UGA Certified Beekeeper and has kept bees since 2010 and has been successfully treatment free for the entire duration! He is the owner of the family-run Sweet Harmony Apiaries in Marietta, Georgia, where they do not use any chemicals in their hives. Wayne is a jack of all trades, holding degrees in Music and Information Technology, and spent

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Attend a Monthly Meeting

Our meetings are held at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Heritage Hall on the 2nd Monday of each month, except September and December when we hold our annual fall honey show/pot luck and holiday party respectively. 

Meetings begin with a mentoring session at 6:30 p.m., followed by a featured speaker at 7 p.m. Topics range from the latest findings in  honey bee research to hive management, honey, beeswax, and other hive products.

On arrival, check-in at the welcome table to be entered into our monthly door prize drawing. Enjoy snacks and fellowship in the back of the room. Membership is not required.

Everyone interested in honey bees is welcome!


Peachtree Road United Methodist Church: Heritage Hall
3180 Peachtree Road NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30305