Beekeepers like to compete with each other with their honey and other hive products. At MABA these products are assessed by judges with internationally recognized qualifications and cash prizes are awarded.Current MABA members are welcome to participate in our annual Honey Show, which takes place during our Potluck Social in September.
Best in Show is Awarded $250, then in each category 1st Place is Awarded $100, Second Place is awarded $50 and Third Place is awarded $25, in addition to Ribbons and Prize Cards (Black Jar and Novice classes are only awarded 1st Place Ribbons, Prize Cards and $100).
General Rules of the Honey Show:
- The honey show is open to any current MABA member who is attending the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association Potluck Social who wishes to enter one or more classes. MABA members serving as show judges, secretaries and stewards are allowed to enter the show, but judges and stewards will recuse themselves from judging or stewarding in classes in which they, or their family member, have submitted entries.
- Entries must be received between 4-5 PM on September 18, 2022. No entries will be accepted after this deadline. Entries must be picked up at the conclusion of the honey show which is immediately after the awards have been announced.
Each Exhibitor must agree that each entry he or she submits was produced by the Exhibitor in conformity with the rules set forth herein.
- Each Exhibitor may make only one entry per class. Only one member of a family may make an entry into any single class.
- All exhibits must be produced by the exhibitor within the last calendar year with the exception of meads, alcoholic beverages, artworks, crafts, gadgets, and photography.
- Any exhibit previously submitted for consideration in any prior Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association Honey Show, with the exception of mead and alcoholic beverages, is not eligible for this competition.
- Once exhibits have been accepted into the competition by the Steward or Show Secretary, they may not be altered in any way.
- After submitting entries to the Steward or Show Secretary, exhibitors may not enter the area where the exhibits have been placed.
- The Show Secretary, Stewards, or Judges are the only persons who may enter the honey judging area.
- Judges will enter the honey show area only after the close of exhibitor acceptance. This is to ensure as close to a blind judging as possible.
- Exhibits and other items not retrieved by the deadline posted for pick-up, shall be deemed abandoned, and shall be donated to the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association for future use or disposal. Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association is not responsible for any items left after the pick-up deadline.
Prizes and Awards:
It is the intention that ribbons and prize cards will be given in all classes even if there is only one entry in the class. However, in order to receive an award that entry must be worthy of placement. Entry into a class does not guarantee an award. The decisions of the judges are final. After the announcement of awards, any exhibitor may meet with the class judge to discuss their entry and ask questions. The show administrator will appoint a referee who shall have final say in any matter pertaining to the contest if called upon. Exhibitors found willfully cheating, or purposefully altering or disfiguring an entry for the purpose of influencing the validity of judging will be disqualified from the contest, as well as from any future honey shows sponsored by Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association for a period of not less than three (3) years.
Cash and ribbons will be awarded to Best in Show, First, Second and Third place winners in each class. Prize cards with point values for participants in the Welsh Honey Judging Program will be awarded in all classes, as follows: (Black Jar and Novice are awarded cash, ribbons and prize cards for 1st place only)
Best in Show = 6 points
First Place = 6 points
Second Place = 5 points
Third Place = 4 points
Very Highly Commendable= 3 points
Highly Commendable = 2 points
Commendable = 1 point
The following categories will be accepted and judged at the Honey Show:
Class 1: Extracted Honey
(A) Light
(B) Medium
(C) Dark
Class 2: Creamed Honey
Class 3: Chunk Comb Honey
Class 4: Cut Comb Honey
Class 5: Novice
Class 6: Black jar
Class 7: Beeswax Block
Class 8: Beeswax Candles
(A) Dipped Tapers
(B) Molded Tapers
Class 9: Molded Ornamental Beeswax Candles
Class 10: Meads
(A) Sweet Meads
(B) Dry Meads
Class 11: Braggot (Beer and Ale made with honey)
Class 12: Honey Beverages
(A) Alcoholic
(B) Non-alcoholic
Class 13: Baked Goods with Honey
(A) Honey Confections
(B) Honey Breads
(C) Honey Cakes
Class 14: Artwork Related to Beekeeping
Class 15: Crafts Related to Beekeeping
Class 16: Notions, Potions, and Lotions
Class 17: Beekeeping Gadgets
Class 18: Photographs Related to Beekeeping
Rules for Individual Classes:
- Class 1: Extracted Honey
(A) Light, (B) Medium and (C) Dark- Entrants may submit one entry in each of these three classes.
The show secretary has color grading glasses and will determine which color class is appropriate for each entry. If a judge determines that an entry is in the wrong color class, the judge may move the entry to the correct color class. If this results in 2 entries in the same class, the entry judged with the highest points will remain and the other entry is disqualified. Entrants may submit one entry in each of these three classes. One entry of extracted honey is defined as two (2) one- pound jars. All forms of extracted honey are to be presented in one-pound classic or queen line glass or plastic jars without tamper proof seals. Closures may be of metal or plastic. There shall be no labels on the jars. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; uniformity of the two (2) jars that comprise the entry; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors). - Class 2: Creamed Honey
An entry of creamed honey is two (2) wide mouth jars. Creamed honey must be displayed in clear straight-sided glass jars with one-piece lids. The glass should not be embossed. Such jars are available from many commercial beekeeping suppliers. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Creamed honey is judged on the fineness of crystals, uniformity and firmness of product, cleanliness and freedom from foam or from added flavors, striation, or colors. - Class 3: Chunk Comb Honey
One entry of chunk honey is defined as two (2) one-pound jars. Chunk honey must be displayed in straight sided, glass, wide mouth, jars. The glass should not be embossed. Such jars are available from many commercial beekeeping suppliers. Only one chunk of comb should be in each jar for competition. The chunk of comb must be in one piece, with a straight mid rib and of uniform thickness. The cuts should be clean and uniform. The chunk comb should be cut and sized appropriately to fit the container. The honey should fill the rest of the jar to the appropriate fill line. The comb should be oriented in the container as found naturally in the hive. Comb with watery cappings should be avoided. The comb should extend the length of the jar. The chunk of comb should account for at least fifty percent (50%) of the internal volume of the jar. Comb is judged for equal amounts on either side of the center rib. The criteria stated above for judging extracted honey applies to judging chunk honey as well. - Class 4: Cut Comb
An entry of cut comb honey is two (2) boxes. The boxes must be transparent on all sides and must be made for displaying cut comb honey. Each section should weigh a minimum of 12 ounces. The chunk of comb must be in one piece, with a straight mid rib of uniform thickness. Comb with watery cappings should be avoided. The cuts should be clean and uniform. There should be no leaking of honey from comb into the box. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb), cleanliness, absence of uncapped cells, no “wet” cell appearance, freedom from granulation, pollen, and brood. Weight should be uniform for each section. Total weight of the entire entry (2 sections) may be used as a tiebreaker. - Class 5: Novice
An entry consists of one (1) one-pound jar of extracted honey. Judging criteria is the same as that for extracted honey. This class is only open only to exhibitors who have never won first, second or third prize in any honey category at any prior honey show. This class awards a prize for first place only. - Class 6: Black Jar
An entry consists of one jar of honey. Entries must be unmarked, unlabeled, and unidentifiable. Judges evaluate entries on the following: An entry is judged for flavor only. This class awards a prize for first place only. - Class 7: Beeswax Block
An entry consists of one (1) block of pure beeswax. The block must weigh between one to two pounds, no more, and should have thickness no greater than 2 inches. The block should be smooth- surfaced and free of decorations or embellishments. Preferable color should be lemon yellow with a pleasant fragrance. - Class 8: Beeswax Candles
A) Dipped Tapers and (B) Molded Tapers – Entrants may submit one entry in each of these two classes. (A) Dipped tapers: An entry for dipped tapers is defined as four (4) candles. Dipped tapers should have the last drip left on; the wicks must be left joined.
(B) Molded Tapers (spiral, octagon or straight sided accepted): An entry for molded tapers is defined as two (2) candles. Molded tapers must have flat finished bases with wicks well centered. The minimum length of all taper candles is eight inches. Molded tapers must be presented in a candleholder. One of the candles in each entry will be burned. (If time and conditions allow). Wicks must trimmed to one-half inch in length. - Class 9: Molded Ornamental Beeswax Candles
An entry is defined as two (2) candles. Wicks must be trimmed to one-half inch in length. The form must have a flat finished base with wicks well centered. Candles will be judged on the above criteria as well casting flaws and sharpness of detail. - Class 10: Meads
(A) Sweet Meads and (B) Dry Meads
The Exhibitor may submit one example of a mead prepared by the Exhibitor in each of these classes. An entry consists of one, clear glass standard 750ml wine bottle. Punt bottles are acceptable as long as they are standard pattern wine bottles. T-corks, mushroom corks and tasting corks are acceptable. Mead should be filled to 5/8 of an inch above the top of the shoulder of the bottle or to within ½ inch of the bottom of the cork. All mead must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Cleanliness, fill, color, clarity, lack of sediment, aroma, body and flavor.
*A 3×5 inch white card with the type of mead (listing any added fruit and/or spices) must accompany each entry. No Name should appear on the card. - Class 11: Braggot (Beer and Ale made with honey)
The Exhibitor may submit one example of a beer or ale prepared by the Exhibitor. An entry consists of one (1) glass, unembossed, standard 12 oz or 16 oz beer bottle. Clear glass is preferable, however colored glass is acceptable. Standard, unmarked crimped closures or lightening closures will be accepted. Bottle should be filled to midpoint between the bottom of the cap and the top of the shoulder of the bottle. All beer and ale must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Cleanliness, fill, color, aroma, body and flavor.
*A 3×5 inch white card with a description of the type or style of beer or ale and the full recipe (including all ingredients) must accompany each entry. No name should appear on the card. - Class 12: Honey Beverages
(A) Alcoholic and (B) Non-alcoholic
The Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey beverage prepared by the Exhibitor in each of these classes. An entry consists of one (1) glass, unembossed, standard 12 oz or 16 oz beer bottle. Clear glass is preferable, however colored glass is acceptable. Standard, unmarked crimped closures or lightening closures will be accepted. Bottle should be filled to midpoint between the bottom of the cap and the top of the shoulder of the bottle. All honey beverages must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Cleanliness, fill, color, aroma, body and flavor.
*A 3×5 inch white card with a description of the type or style of beverage and the full recipe (including all ingredients) must accompany each entry. No name should appear on the card. - Class 13: Baked Goods
(A) Honey Confections, (B) Honey Breads and (C) Honey Cakes
Entrants may submit one entry in each of these three classes. The recipe for the entry must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality.
(A) A honey confection is any pastry, pie, tart, petit four, candy, chocolate, or other sweet food or delicacy. A confection entry consists of two (2) to six (6) servings. Entries are to be presented on a plain white paper plate, enclosed in a zip-top bag, or a standard white cardboard cake box
(B) Honey Bread. An entry consists of one (1) standard size loaf, or two (2) rolls, biscuits, muffins, or mini-loaves. Entries are to be presented on a plain white paper plate, enclosed in a zip-top bag, or a standard white cardboard cake box.
(C) Cakes. An entry consists of one (1) cake, or two (2) cupcakes. Cakes may be, but are not required to be, iced or glazed. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard white cardboard cake box.
*A 3×5 inch white card with a description of the item and the recipe (including all ingredients & procedure) must accompany each entry. No name should appear on the card.
*In the event an exhibit in this class is too large to fit in a commonly available zip-top bag or cake box, the exhibitor may submit his/her entry in some other appropriate, resealable container. - Class 14: Artwork Related to Beekeeping
Artwork is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, often in a visual form such as (but no way limited to) painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related artwork of their own composition. The artwork must be related to some aspect of apiculture and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. Flat artwork must be equipped with an easel back or the entrant must provide an easel on which to display it. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality.
*A 3×5 inch white card with a description of the item must accompany each entry and can include a brief story behind the piece. No name or identifying mark(s) should appear on the either the card or the exhibit. If the exhibit is already signed or marked in some identifying way, the exhibitor must obscure the signature or identifying mark. - Class 15: Crafts Related to Beekeeping
A craft is a pastime or a profession that requires particular skill and knowledge of a specialized field or subject. Craftsmanship typically denotes experience, knowledge, skill, and expertise in making things by hand. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related craftwork of their own composition. The craftwork must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. Rigid flat craftwork must be equipped with an easel back or the entrant must provide an easel on which to display it. Fabric craftwork (such as quilts) do not require a display device. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality.
*A 3×5 inch white card with a description of the item must accompany each entry and can include a brief story behind the piece. No name or identifying mark(s) should appear on the either the card or the exhibit. If the exhibit is already signed or marked in some identifying way, the exhibitor must obscure the signature or identifying mark. - Class 16: Notions, Potions, and Lotions
An Exhibitor may submit one example of any health, bath, or beauty product, or any cleaner, polish, tincture, compound, or concoction of their own creation. The recipe for the entry must include honey, beeswax, and/or propolis produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented in a resealable container appropriate to the item. All entries will be sampled. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, texture, aroma, tactile feel, functionality, and originality.
*A 3×5 inch white card with a description of the item and the recipe (including all ingredients and procedure) must accompany each entry. No name or identifying mark(s) should appear on the card or on the exhibit itself. - Class 17: Beekeeping Gadgets
A gadget is a mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially one of an ingenious or novel nature. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related gadget of their own creation. The gadget must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and the design and construction of the gadget must be the original creation of the Exhibitor. Judges evaluate entries on the following: craftsmanship, ingenuity, functionality, creativity, and originality.
*A 3×5 inch white card with a description of the item and its operation must accompany each entry. No name or identifying mark(s) should appear on the card or on the exhibit itself. - Class 18: Photographs Related to Beekeeping
An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related photography of their own composition. The photograph must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. The photograph must be mounted, matted or framed. It must stand up for display; either equipped with an easel back or the entrant must provide an easel on which to display the photograph. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality.
*A 3×5 inch white card with a description of the item must accompany each entry and can include a brief story behind the piece. No name or identifying mark(s) should appear on the card or on the exhibit itself.