
Julia Mahood is a Georgia Master Craftsman Beekeeper who has been keeping bees since 2004. She created the citizen science website MapMyDca.com to gather data on drone congregation areas. Julia was awarded the Georgia Beekeeper of the year in 2018. A graphic artist, she designed the Georgia “Save the honey bee” license plate. She is passionate about education and teaches beekeeping in Georgia prisons and is active in her local and state bee organizations.



The MABA beekeeper of the year is someone who has not only demonstrated and promoted good beekeeping, but who also has served the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association as an outstanding volunteer. To nominate someone for this year’s award, fill out this form by September 1.  The award will be given at the September Picnic and Honey Show. Link to nominate:  www.memberplanet.com/s/mababc/beekeeperoftheyeaa