10 Mar 25 @ 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM America/New York Timezone
Peachtree Road United Methodist Church
3180 Peachtree Road NE
Georgia 30305
March 2025 Meeting - Comb Reorganization In Response To Temperature Stress @ Peachtree Road United Methodist Church

At MABA’s March 10th meeting, our featured speaker will be Dr. Isaac Weinberg. Dr. Weinberg received his PhD from Tufts University in May of 2023 where he studied the behavioral ecology of honey bees. He now works for Dalan Animal Health, the Athens, GA-based company which has developed the first licensed vaccine for honey bees. Isaac will be speaking to MABA about his dissertation research on temperature in the hive and how it affects where bees store food and brood in their hives. His research looked at where and why bees choose to raise brood in certain parts of the honey comb and where they store honey and pollen.

Our monthly meetings are held at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church (3180 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30305) inside Heritage Hall on the 2nd Monday of each month, except September and December when we hold our annual fall honey show/pot luck and holiday party respectively. On arrival, check-in at the welcome table to be entered into our monthly door prize drawing. Enjoy snacks and fellowship in the back of the room. Membership is not required. Everyone interested in honey bees is welcome!